out hobbies
分类: 六年级
编辑 : 大宝
发布 : 03-21
阅读 :85
my name is you xiuqi.i have a good friend ,she is my mother.we have same hobby --we like swim. once, my and my mother go to simeing.sudden,my mother suggested it to me match ,i promise my mother. outcome, i won, my mother lost. my mother more have a hobby —— she like piay game! tish is my mother, my good friend! 请大家多多投票!谢谢。 o(∩_∩)o谢谢o(∩_∩)o谢谢o(∩_∩)o谢谢o(∩_∩)o谢谢o(∩_∩)谢谢 thank you thank you thank you thank you ~(@^_^@)~~(@^_^@)~~(@^_^@)~~(@^_^@)~~(@^_^@)~~(@^_^@)~~(@^_^@)~~